Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter 2011

What do you see during Easter? Bunnies and candies cluttering shelves and aisles? Guest lists and menus for a grand meal? Family and friends coming together to worship and celebrate? A sanctuary decked out with flowers and great music?

I have seen three distinct sanctuaries for the past four days. On Thursday I saw a kneeling rail, foot washing basins, and communion supplies. I saw Jesus’ love for his disciples in the washing of their feet

I have seen the gory image of a shrouded cross, a stripped sanctuary and seven stark candles. I have reluctantly seen the cost of my sin and the price Jesus paid to restore me.

I have seen (and smelled) the wonderful lilies and other bright flowers that will fill the sanctuary. The colors will change from black to gold! And hopefully I will see you worshiping with us in a full sanctuary with family and friends.

What we see powerfully affects what we feel, do, and believe. The text for Easter Sunday is one of my favorites: Matthew 18:1-10. As you get ready for worship, read this familiar text over several times, lingering on all the words for “seeing”. What do you see?

He is Risen!


1. The Easter Egg Hunt (for kids under 13) will begin Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

2. Please bring your prepared finger foods to the Satellite kitchen Sunday morning.

3. Bring your plastic, filled Easter eggs to church prior to the first service (9:15 a.m.)

4. Visit the Welcome Table on the patio and see how we are welcoming guests!

5. In addition to the purchased lilies, all the sanctuary flowers were donated from the gardens of Trace Robinson, Annette Simmons, and Sandi Prather. Thank you for the gifts of beauty!!

6. Next Sunday we begin one service at 10: 00 a.m. as we begin our summer schedule.

7. The 2011 Church Directory and Handbook is available Sunday in the Narthex.

8. Budget Update as of April 20, 2011

a. Income Need YTD $219,038

b. Income Receive YTD (% needed) $165,584 (75.6%)

c. Expenses YTD (deficit) $196,076 ($30,492)


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