Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jesus the Healer

The story of Jesus would be radically incomplete if we omitted his ministry of healing. Matthew and Luke both record 20 healings, Mark 18 and John only 7. That's a lot of sick people being made whole again. The six jars of olive oil speak of Jesus healing power and touch. He did not heal with oil as much as with his touch, word, even mud. There was no magical ingredient that made sick people well, no secret potion. But Jesus' word and people's receptive faith were the ingredients that came together to restore broken ones.
It was not until the later book of James (5:14) that oil was used. "Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, annointing him with oil in the naem of the Lord." From Israel's earliest days, oil, especially olive oil, was used medicinally for salving wounds, ceremonially for announcing (annointing) new kings and leaders, clearly for cooking, and sacramentally for praying for healing.
At the end of the services, an invitation will be given for those desiring prayers for healing to come to the kneelers, either in the front of the sanctuary or in the prayer room.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for offering this beautiful service of healing. It is something I don't think we offer nearly enough in most churches...but you are right, Jesus did spend a lot of time healing those around him.

Thank you for ushering us into his presence in a beautiful way in this service. You are a gift to us all!


10:11 PM  

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