Saturday, April 21, 2007

Through Locked Doors

Have you thought about the number of doors you have gone through today? How about the numbers of keys and passwords you have to "let you in" to places or sites? How critical are doors to your life? Is a door a functional object? a decorating accent? a security necessity? an obstacle? a hideaway? Do you open and shut most of your doors or are they opened for you and shut on you? Do doors shut you out or let you in?
In the text for April 22, Luke 24:36-49, the disciples are hiding behind shut doors. They were in "hunker-Down" mode. They were uncertain, overwhelmed, and afraid. Jesus, however, went through the shut door. Not with a battering ram or key, but with resurrected presence. He came through the shut locked door so they could see him and touch him. The verbal witness of resurrection was supplemented by touch and sight and sound.
Is your door locked?


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