Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blessed in Diversity: Ephesians 1: 2-23

Sunday November 11th will be a day focussed on the good stuff; the blessings we have in Christ. The altar-piece reflects the wide-ranging diversity of the believing community in Ephesus. Gentile believers squeezed between the traditions of Israel and the power of the Roman Empire in all its might. We have been chosen, forgiven, empowered because of what God has done for us in Jesus.

Friday, November 02, 2007

All Saints' Sunday

All Saints' Sunday brings to mind those who have goen before us and, in the words of Hebrews 12:1 surround us as a cloud of witnesses. The altar-piece has the Christ-stone central, draped in the gold of victory and surrounded by a screen of candles and many on the table. During the opening of worship, others will be invited to bring their candles of memory and place them also on the altar.