Saturday, March 31, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
John 12: 20-33
Last Sunday night I was watching the Discovery Channel special called “The Frozen Planet.” It was a high definition video survey of both the Arctic and Antarctic regions, above and below the water. Several times during the broadcast I gasped at glaciers calving icebergs into the ocean, at penguins surfing in huge waves and of polar bears lumbering across the ice packs. My gasps were involuntary. What I saw captivated me and held my attention.
What sorts of things have done that for you recently? Where have you found yourself going through your normal routines and suddenly captivated by something? Maybe a great piece of music or the giggle of an infant caught you off guard. Maybe it was a sunset over the ocean or a calla lily in an unexpected place.
We call those things glorious! Glory is what demands our attention. The glorious attracts and does not repel. As you get ready for worship this Sunday, begin preparing your heart by searching for glory. Where do you find it? When does it find you? What are the various ways you appreciate and discern glory? The central text for worship is John 12: 20-33, and especially vs 23 when Jesus said, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. “ It’s time for some glory!
Grace & Peace….and Glory!