Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ministry Fair Sunday Takes Off!

Sunday August 27 was a record "launch day" for ministries at MCC. Starting Saturday at Westmont College, Kevin Funkhouser, College Ministries Director met new students with other staff members. Then on Sunday the two service schedule began (8:30 & 10:45). Between the two services every ministry currently operational at MCC was offered a table to present their unique direction of ministry. Maybe 12-15 tables were out on the patio and under the eaves, promoting and explaining what they did and inviting members and friends to partner with them.
The Ministry Fair goes on again this coming Sunday beginning at 9:30, with a College Ministries BBQ to follow the 2nd service. Attendance on the 27th was a Fall record of 417 at both services!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Santa Barbara Clean-Up

Today was a day churches and neighbors got together to make a difference, to clean up the East Side of Santa Barbara near Franklin School. About 50 people from the community and churches gathered about 9:00 am and broke up into teams: grocery cart retireval, trash pick-up, raking parks and boulevards, and graffitti removal. Carter Crockett was the point-person for MCC along with Ken and Dina Stovall, who launched into graffitti removal. Take a look at what can happen to a "tagged" garbage can with a little elbow grease and magic potion!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Talent Show Blow-Out!

It was the last Summer Wednesday under the oaks. Again, close to 100 people came out, not for a POT-LUCK, but a FAITH-LUCK. New faces and friends came. The weather was fantastic! And Bob and Wendy Ludwick did there typically great job of making folks feel at home. Near the end of the meal, Bob, the shy-M.C. invited a cadre of church friends to share their talents, pictured here in this blog.
There are few words that would accurately describe the creativity and delight of performers and audience. This is definitely a show that could go on the road! Watch for the next event!!