Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Talent Show Blow-Out!

It was the last Summer Wednesday under the oaks. Again, close to 100 people came out, not for a POT-LUCK, but a FAITH-LUCK. New faces and friends came. The weather was fantastic! And Bob and Wendy Ludwick did there typically great job of making folks feel at home. Near the end of the meal, Bob, the shy-M.C. invited a cadre of church friends to share their talents, pictured here in this blog.
There are few words that would accurately describe the creativity and delight of performers and audience. This is definitely a show that could go on the road! Watch for the next event!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it might be fun to post the words to the "Tech Crew Lament", as performed by John and Erik Rodkey. This parody of the Police Sergeant's Song from "Pirates of Penzance" was written by Anne Anderson, John Rodkey and Erik Rodkey, and is dedicated to all our wonderful Tech Crew members.

When the feedback from the microphone is shrieking ('phone is shrieking)
And the lights go out and leave us in the dark (in the dark)
When the windows open with an awful squeaking (awful squeaking)
And the powerpoint is looking pretty stark (pretty stark)

When the pastor's mike cuts out amidst the sermon ('midst the sermon)
And he has to shout until his voice is numb (voice is numb)
There's one thing that's quite easy to determine (to determine:
The tech crew's lot is not a n'appy one.
When technologic duty's to be done, to be done
The tech crew's not is not a n'appy one (n'appy one)

When the air condish'ning has us feeling frozen (feeling frozen)
And the screen projection isn't well defined (well defined)
When the vocal balance isn't wisely chosen (wisely chosen)
And the powerpoint is several slides behind (slides behind)

When the batt'ries in the hearing aids lose power (lose their power)
And the DVD recorder doesn't run
(doesn't run)
When the faces all around us start to glower (start to glower)
A tech crew's lot is not a n'appy one.
--Anne Anderson

9:36 AM  

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